We chatted with actor, writer and producer Mark Famiglietti about playing Landon in the film Soulmates, which will be in theatres and on demand November 12th, 2021. We asked Mark all about the film, his character, how he got into acting, and much more. Check out what he had to say below.

What can you tell us about the film Soulmates?

Mark Famiglietti: Soulmates is a whimsical romantic comedy brimming with humor and heart set against the backdrop of Autumn in Vermont. Written by talented screenwriters Alexandra Case and Stephanie Lynn, it explores what happens when a life-long friendship is interrupted by a love interest that is at odds with the maple syrup industry in Vermont.

How excited are you for people to finally see it?

MF: Very! We had blast making this and I really hope that experience translates to the viewers. It’s also the right season to watch the movie because we filmed in the Fall as well with the changing foliage as the backdrop.

What can you tell us about your character?

MF: Landon is from Connecticut and works for a large maple syrup provider. He represents everything that is “wrong” with the industry in that his corporation is interested in pushing out the independent maple syrup bottler. Big business vs. local ag so to speak. He of course is not intending to fall for Jess – but she’s just so charming, he can’t help but to find himself smitten.

When did you decide that storytelling and acting was something you wanted to do?

MF: In high school I had done the musicals and actually won the Goodspeed Opera House Musical Theatre Award. The theatre is known for launching such shows as “Annie” prior to Broadway. That gave me the confidence to audition and begin classes at NYU where I was accepted to the training program of the Atlantic Theatre Company.

What advice would you give to people pursuing acting?

MF: Create, create, create. Much like Alexandra and Stephanie in writing this script and getting it made, it never hurts to have your own passion projects while you are pursuing your acting career at the same time. When I first started it was really prohibitive to make a movie. You had to shoot on film (Imagine that!). Now, technology has allowed for way more productions to make the indie space. It’s always better to be creating then simply waiting on the next audition.

What was your first acting role?

MF: “Nick Hammer” on Hang Time! I was attending NYU and I was lucky enough to receive test deals for both Hang Time and Saved By the Bell: The New Class. I was flown to Los Aneles, auditioned for both and ended up on Hang Time. In March of 1998 at 18, I left NYU and moved to LA. The show was a blast and a lot of work. Those were the days when we made 26 episodes per year.

What do you enjoy the most about acting?

MF: There’s a nomadic quality to the career that suits me well. You book a project, drop in for usually a few weeks to a couple of months and then move along to the next role. Each time a little family is created. And over the years when you run into people you get pick-up right where you left off. In terms of the physical work itself, I still love playing each moment as truthfully as possible. I often say, you can’t play the moment before it arrives, and you can’t chase it after it is gone. Acting has brought me many opportunities over the years that I realize I am very lucky to experience.


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