Image credit: jessiivee/@Instagram
We recently had the chance to chat with YouTube and Tik Tok influencer Jessii Vee. Jessii originally created her YouTube channel to help others who may feel different and have issues fitting in, while addressing important topics such as bullying, anxiety and depression. This also inspired her to create YANA (You Are Not Alone), a platform that encourages people who are feeling lonely, anxious, bullied and isolated to connect with others. 

Here’s what Jessii Vee had to say:

Talk a little bit about your Jessii Vee YouTube channel and the main goals and messages behind your videos.

I started my YouTube channel back in 2014 and I focused on telling true stories from my life that I hoped kids could relate to. I told my bullying story, spoke about my anxiety disorder, and other topics and situations that teenagers face growing up. I was immediately flooded with so many positive comments from my subscribers telling me how comforted they felt hearing someone talk about something they were personally going through. So going forward, I always wanted my platforms to be a place where people feel supported and heard. 

How did you come up with YANA? 

YANA stands for “You Are Not Alone” and it was an idea that myself and some other amazing women in my life came up with a couple years ago. Because I have such a large platform, I decided to be the one to share it with everyone. The idea is that schools would implement a YANA program where people gather together as a community to reach out to students that are feeling lonely, isolated, or bullied. It’s a safe space people can go to feel supported and to talk to people that are going through the same thing that they are. When I was in elementary school and high school I really struggled with socializing and was even bullied at times for being “the quiet kid”. And sometimes I would spend my lunches alone in the library or a bathroom stall. So I would have loved to have had a group like YANA when I was growing up. 

What is some advice you could give to upcoming YouTubers trying to get their feet wet?

When you’re starting up a channel, always make content that you’re passionate about. Don’t always try to follow what’s trending or what you think others will like. Focus on YOU so that your channel comes across as unique and different. You’ll start to grow a genuine audience when people can tell that you’re making videos that you love. When I started YouTube I was passionate about storytelling, and I think that’s what attributed to my success – I loved what I was doing! 

What are some trends you are noticing on Instagram and social media with youth? If they are negative and concerning trends, how can we possibly solve them?

 Social media can be a very negative place and can have a very negative effect on our mental health. There’s so much hate, online bullying, racism, and people comparing themselves to others – it can get exhausting. I think we all need to realize that not everything we see online is real. People often only post the best parts of their days and make sure to post the best photos of themselves – it gives us unrealistic expectations about what life truly is. Once we understand that, we can begin to love ourselves. We also need to be kinder to one another and spread positivity whenever we can.  We need to accept people for who they are no matter what they look like, who they love, or what they do. I think love is the answer to all of this. 

Talk a little about TikTok; what do you think about it’s impact? 

I think TikTok is a really cool platform – people are able to consume content much quicker and it also allows new creators to be discovered much easier. I think it’s great that people have another really great outlet to be creative and to express their passions. 

How has TikTok influenced your life?

I started my TikTok account this past fall (@officialjessiivee) and I’ve been finding it so enjoyable to make content on a new platform. I’m so grateful for all the support I’ve received over the past 6 months and it encourages me to continue coming up with new, fun ideas – I’m so excited for my future on TikTok!

Jessii Vee’s Social Media:
YouTube Channel:
Instagram: @Jessiivee
Twitter: @JessiiVee
TikTok: @OfficialJessiiVee
Snapchat: jessiiveesnaps

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