Hulu today debuted the official trailer for the upcoming Irish dark comedy crime drama series, Obituary. Premiering November 21st, the series stars Siobhán Cullen (The Dry, Origin), Michael Smiley (Bad Sisters, Bloodlands), Ronan Raftery (Mortal Engines, The Terror), Danielle Galligan (Shadow and Bone, Lakelands), and David Ganly (Moon Knight, Body of Lies).
Obituary Synopsis
24-year-old Elvira Clancy is feeling a little unfulfilled, although she adores her new job writing obituaries, but when her newspaper falls on hard times and her boss cuts her salary, she finds herself being paid per obituary overnight. When she “accidentally” kills a nasty piece of work in the town, she discovers she might have a previously untapped bloodlust! She relishes using ever more crafty methods to kill off the town’s unpleasant residents while making them look like accidents. Stalk. Kill. Publish. Repeat. Unfortunately, a wrench lands in the works – the paper hires a suspicious new crime correspondent and she really, really likes him…
Obituary is written by award-winning Irish scriptwriter Ray Lawlor (Le Ceangal), lead directed by John Hayes (Dublin Murders, Bancroft) with Oonagh Kearney (Vardy vs Rooney) directing second block and produced by Nell Green (The Outfit, The Undeclared War).