The popular 90s Australian teen drama series Heartbreak High which ran from 1994-1999, is back with a reboot and recently premiered on Netflix globally on September 14. We were joined on the Popternative show by Gemma Chua-Tran who plays Sasha and is a big fan favorite character.

Heartbreak High follows the lives of a group of Australian teenagers and the discovery of a secret map at school that charts all the hook-ups in the school. Amerie, who created the map along with ex-best friend Harper, must repair her reputation, while navigating love, sex, and heartbreak.

Photo by: Netflix

The series also stars Ayesha Madon, James Majoos, Chloé Hayden, Asher Yasbincek, Thomas Weatherall, Will McDonald, Josh Heuston, Bryn Chapman Parish, Brodie Townsend, Sherry-Lee Watson, Chika Ikogwe and Rachel House.

In our interview, Gemma talks about the global success of the series and her audition process. We also talk about the romantic relationship between Sasha and Quinni (played by Chloé Hayden) and how Quinni opens up to Sasha about having autism: “It’s such an important storyline and I’m so amazed to see all of the audience reactions and it’s so heartwarming,” Gemma tells us.

Watch the full interview below!

Heartbreak High is now streaming on Netflix.

Follow Gemma Chua-Tran: Instagram

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