The Global TV genre-bending series Robyn Hood created by Director X takes the classic legend of Robin Hood and his Merry men and re-imagines it for a new age. In the series an anti-authoritarian masked hip-hop band called The Hood lead by Robyn Loxley (Jessye Romeo) call out injustices while fighting for freedom and equality in the city of New Nottingham.

Bukola Ayoka appears in the show as Wat, who she says is a feisty firecracker. While working on the set of Robyn Hood, Bukola was able to take away a valuable learning experience in storytelling. “Director X was someone who was someone very present. I think that was something that was evident with every single day of shooting we had, and it really grounded all of us and allowed us to play off of each other in a different way,” Bukola told Popternative host Petey Beats.

She added, “His level of awareness and presence was so contagious, and I think that was something I really got to practice in a new way, just like you’re more reactive, you’re more in the moment when you’re listening actively instead of like ‘okay, my line’s coming up,’ there’s none of that. It was all ‘okay I’m feeding off of you, we’re doing this in the moment’ and that was something that Director X really set the tone for in a cool way.”

Watch the full interview with Bukola Ayoka below.

Robyn Hood is available on Global TV and streaming on Stack TV.


Amber Dover is a multimedia journalist with over a decade writing about pop culture. Cat mom with a deep love of horror, you can follow Amber at @Glambergirlblog on Instagram and X.

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