Photo: Colleen Hayes/Peacock
The dark comedy thriller series, Based on a True Story, returned with season 2 on Peacock on November 21st. Series regulars Kaley Cuoco (The Flight Attendant), Chris Messina (The Mindy Project), Tom Bateman (Behind Her Eyes), and Liana Liberato (Scream VI) are back with new murders occurring around their characters.

After its season 1 finale in June 2023, season 2 finds new parents Ava (Cuoco) and Nathan Bartlett (Messina) three months into parenthood. Focused on taking care of her family, Ava is determined to resist her true crime obsession and return to work as a real estate agent while Nathan trains private tennis clients. But a series of new murders pulls her back in – is Matt (Bateman) behind the slayings Is Tory (Liberato), now entangled in a relationship with Matt, in danger?

(L-R): Liana Liberato as Tory and Tom Bateman as Matt in episode 208 of Based on a True Story. Photo: Colleen Hayes/Peacock

We were joined on the Popternative show by Liana Liberato and Tom Bateman to discuss the new season and what viewers can expect. They also talk about the new relationship between their characters this season and what it was like returning to the series.

Watch the full conversation below.

All 8 episodes of Based on a True Story season 2 are streaming on Peacock.


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