Earlier this week, news broke that Amazon acquired the TV rights for The Lord of the Rings book series and made a multi-season commitment. Apparently the series will be a prequel to The Lord of the Rings, but all over social media people seem to be split on how they feel about this news. Some fans are thrilled, some are not so happy, some are skeptical and some don’t know how they feel yet.
Here are some of the funniest reactions over Twitter that we’ve come across:
As a huge #Tolkien fan…not sure if I should be excited or horrified at new Lord of the Rings series announcement… #LotR pic.twitter.com/OFXrRLZWch
— Nick Brisbon (@NBrisbon) November 13, 2017
Me when I heard about the LOTR TV Show #whatatimetobealive #LordOfTheRings #LOTR pic.twitter.com/xJdxN8DEpu
— Gloria Powell (@itsgloriapowell) November 15, 2017
My first thought when I heard the news. #LOTR #TVseries pic.twitter.com/VD13pl4Jz2
— Witch-King (@Morgul_blade) November 8, 2017
The reaction of most Tolkien fans heard that Amazon was making "Lord of the Rings" show. #LordOfTheRings #LOTR pic.twitter.com/jEXDqy8rNR
— Synthra (@ZhiteraWiggins) November 13, 2017
Amazon: We are making Lord of the Rings prequel series #LOTR
Me: pic.twitter.com/91UubdlNCZ
— Krojačica Sudbine ♔ (@MonaLisa1797) November 13, 2017
Amazon prime + #LOTR tv show = pic.twitter.com/FzuGcIX6AQ
— Sam (@Smo_1982) November 13, 2017
Oh my godddd they're making a LOTR series!? pic.twitter.com/YgzLrshDWo
— Staci Mo (@Staci_Morris) November 17, 2017
Amazon is going to make a #LordOfTheRings prequel series. Give it to me NOW #LOTR pic.twitter.com/YRckijoDRZ
— #SeattleSonics (@smashmode) November 13, 2017
Not ready for this Amazon LOTR series. People are still mourning the hours lost from The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies #LOTR pic.twitter.com/NpL0M5aqUk
— Nerd Coolture (@nerdcoolture) November 14, 2017
I truly believe there's plenty of universe in JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth to accommodate a Lord of the Rings prequel series.
I also recall how The Hobbit turned out. Hence my trepidation. #LOTR pic.twitter.com/1fl0IHV6Vh
— Rus McLaughlin (@rusmclaughlin) November 13, 2017